Settling in the pram
Baby Girl seems to have changed her mind about the park. She doesn’t dislike it as much as I initially thought. In fact, she looked pretty contented when our maternity consultant Hattie helped me take her back to the park on Tuesday.
This time, we skipped the photo session of her cute ‘leaving the house’ outfit. We also didn’t fiddle with her by putting on her adorable booties right before she was meant to go to sleep.
It was a much smoother process when Hattie was here. I fed Baby Girl. We changed her nappy and got her ready to go. I fed her a bit more. We swaddled her, burped her and put her down to sleep in the pram.
And it worked. We could walk around the park without any old lady coming over to advise us that our baby was hungry. Bliss.
Yes. A really enjoyable stroll, wasn’t it? Hope you can get out and about again today as the weather is supposed to be super again!