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Published on September 4th, 2018 | 1100 Views


Finding a picture book for preparing for nursery

Every September I seem to find myself crying. Sometimes it’s because it’s heartbreaking to see someone upset about me leaving the nursery. Other times it’s because I get so emotional about how quickly they’re growing up.

Getting back to school is tough. Or at least tough on my emotions.

To make the process slightly smoother, there’s one book I’ve been reading again and again in the last week. It is My First Milestones: My First Day by Amber Stewart (Oxford University Press, £6.99), which we received to review earlier in the year.

This book tells the story about a duckling called Puddle who’s been watching older siblings go to school and longing to go, but when the day comes for Puddle to start he’s suddenly feeling anxious about going.

I think the book can be great for talking about starting nursery–or going back to nursery–and it also features some tips to parents at the end.

I love how Puddle’s mum is very empathetic and understanding. She seems to say and do all the right things!

My First Milestones: My First Day is part of a series of picture books that cover important topics

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