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Growing up

Published on February 1st, 2016 | 1931 Views


Stick Man DVD brings children’s classic to life

When Big Girl and I were in Waterstones on King’s Road over Christmas she pointed out Stick Man to me, and told me she’d read the book in nursery. I soon realised it was a bestselling children’s classic I’d missed out on, and when I heard the DVD was coming out on 1 February I was excited to get involved in celebrating the release.

We read the Julia Donaldson book, which we received as part of the DVD launch kit, and later Big Girl, Daddy T and I watched the 27-minute, narrated Stick Man DVD together.

The DVD is a beautiful adaptation of the sweet book about a stick that keeps being taken further and further away from his stick family and their treetop home, but eventually gets a lift from Santa to return home.

The animated film features colourful illustrations similar to the picture book, and brings the charming Stick Man story to life.

My only concern is that we’ll start feeling pretty emotional about sticks after watching this heart-warming family film!

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