Storing baby’s umbilical cord stem cells in London
When I was pregnant with Baby Girl I read a lot about stem cell storage in the UK and soon decided this was something we wanted to go ahead with for our daughter. Many of our friends made the same decision, and some of them had already tried Smart Cells and recommended we go with them due to their experience in releasing samples as well as collecting and storing.
For anyone who’s new to stem cell storage, I’ve asked Mike Pearce of Smart Cells to reply to some of the questions I had when first considering stem cell storage:
Why do more and more families choose to store stem cells from their baby’s umbilical cord?
We have found that more and more expectant parents have gained a knowledge and understanding of our service. The popularity of searching online blogs and forums has been a useful way for people to share their knowledge about cord blood and tissue banking. expectant parents are also more aware of common illnesses that can affect their children and many choose to store as an ‘insurance policy’ for their child. We have also seen many different success stories in the media in recent years, which has shown just how useful and important these cells are.
We believe that storing your child’s stem cells at birth can be a crucial part of curing an unexpected illness. We believe that in the future this service should be available to every parent, child and family. We are a company that is for life.
Have there been any recent cases where stored stem cells have proved effective?
Smart Cells is the first UK private storage bank to release stored samples for use in transplants. We have just released an 11th sample of potentially life-saving stem cells, more samples for transplants than any other private company in the country.
This significant milestone for the private cord blood storage industry highlights the advances being made in stem cell research and puts a spotlight on a service that many parents-to-be are still unaware of. Smart Cells was the UK’s first private cord blood bank and, in its 14 years since the company was founded, has released samples to patients all over the world successfully treating a variety of conditions including cerebral palsy, thalassemia, Leukaemia and HSV Encephalitis.
The most recent sample of potentially life-saving stem cells has been carefully dispatched from Smart Cells’ laboratory in London to Dukes University in North Carolina, where it will be used to treat a young patient with Hypoxic Ischemic Encephalopathy.
If you would like to find out more you can call Smart Cells on 01895 424 430 or request a brochure.