Published on September 15th, 2012 | 640 Views
0Surviving a baby blood test
Peggy Porschen seemed like the obvious place to go yesterday. I was in desperate need of a latte and a cupcake after the most traumatic doctor’s appointment so far.
Baby Girl had been screaming and I had been struggling to avoid joining in. She had her first proper blood test done, and I had to hold her on a hospital bed while a senior phlebotomist at The Doctors Laboratory took blood from her little arm.
Even after we were done, I felt a bit shaky. Baby Girl, on the other hand, only cried for a few seconds before she was fast asleep in her car seat again. It soon looked like she had no recollection of the test.
It was almost like there should have been two ‘badge of courage’ stickers in the kids courage pack she received after the test – one for a very brave Baby Girl and one for a distraught mummy. I guess I’m the one who will have to toughen up before we go for the BCG vaccination in two weeks’ time.