Surviving baby’s first finger cut
Do I go to the A&E or to the GP?
That was my first thought when Baby Girl cut her finger at lunchtime yesterday. She was crying hysterically and bleeding from her little thumb, and it all terrified me.
She had reached for her broccoli when I was in the process of cutting it into smaller pieces for her, and I felt so guilty for not having moved the plate further away.
The good news was that I hadn’t been using a sharp knife, and when the waiter came running over with first aid equipment a minute later the bleeding had stopped.
In fact, the waiter wanted to help me put a plaster on the cut, but he couldn’t actually find it.
We decided not to go to the A&E after that.
A latte for me in No 11 Pimlico Road and a nap for Baby Girl seemed like a better option for dealing with the trauma of our first finger cut experience