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Published on January 14th, 2013 | 813 Views


Surviving baby’s first swimming class

If Baby Girl’s swimming continues to improve at the rate it’s done this weekend, I’m convinced she’ll be offered a place on Team GB soon. Daddy T and Baby Girl started baby swimming on Saturday morning, and the first class wasn’t exactly a success. Not for me at least.

I had just been taught to boil and cool Baby Girl’s first drinking water, so I was so scared I was practically shivering when I was watching Baby Girl with an open mouth under water in the pool at family club Purple Dragon. It simply didn’t make sense to me that this could be fine.

But the friendly instructor from Swimming Rocks assured me that Baby Girl would soon learn to close her mouth. In fact, the one other baby doing the course had been in a pool before and did the same exercises as Baby Girl but with a closed mouth.

It was clear we needed to put in some hard work. Baby Girl could not risk swallowing more pool water than necessary. Daddy T and Baby Girl were back in the pool on Sunday morning and it paid off. With more practice and a lot of encouragement from the poolside, she did it. Closed mouth, more smiles and ready to go back for a second class – now with a mummy who can sleep again.

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2 Responses to Surviving baby’s first swimming class

  1. You are definitely better than me. I still have yet to give my children swimming lessons for fear of the pool. Not swimming, mind you – but it’s like everybody is taking a communal bath. Yuck.

    I know there is chlorine and filters. But still – yuck.

    • Tine says:

      Thank you! It’s hard not to worry about the little ones sometimes. I’m glad it’s my husband who’s doing baby swimming with our daughter because I would have been stressed, which would probably have made her scared. She loves water though, and it’s a fun activity for the two of them. I like the fact that the pool at Purple Dragon where we take her is ozone-treated, as I would have been slightly worried about how her skin and eyes would react to chlorine the first time. Too much to think about.. 🙂

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