Surviving Halloween sugar overload
I think I have a love-hate relationship to Halloween. I loved the amazing Halloween party at family club Purple Dragon on Friday. I loved the fun Halloween icing party at Biscuiteers yesterday, and I loved trick or treating in spooky but welcoming Quarrendon Street in Fulham. What I didn’t love, however, was trying to put a three-year-old to bed after she’d eaten a brilliant mix of Haribo sweets, Quality Street chocolates and various lollipops.
I’ve never really thought about the effect of sugar before because we don’t have a habit of giving Baby Girl sweets regularly, particularly not right before bedtime, and now I understand why it’s not a good idea. I was trying to take a relaxing bath–my first in 2015 so far–and Baby Girl soon came storming in with a big smile, claiming she didn’t really feel sleepy at all.
By that time, Daddy T had apparently helped her back to bed enough times to give up on the project, and my me-time was instead spent running up and down the stairs with an over excited three-year-old who had no interest whatsoever in putting an end to the fun of Halloween.
It didn’t matter that I was ready to wind down. Sleeping Beauty was not.