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Mummy-time Tine Farstad

Published on July 19th, 2014 | 759 Views


When mum starts surviving on less sleep

Sometimes I feel like the mum everyone would describe as “the one who has too much time”. I’ve started sending out Baby Girl’s birthday invitations, and they’re very homemade. And we’ve not ordered homemade invitations from Etsy. We’ve actually been sitting at home, cutting and gluing ourselves.

It’s not just me who found time to do this though. Daddy T got involved too. It was on my ‘low-energy’ to-do list on Tuesday, meaning I brought these out closer to midnight, and I figured he could help me cut in straight lines and do a bit of sticking.

I was thrilled when he actually agreed–and I think the only reason he did agree was that we’ve become very similar in our routines. We just don’t sleep as much as we used to.

I figured we managed on so little sleep when Baby Girl was little, and for 15 months I was always up in the middle of the night. Now that she sleeps so well, I feel I can get so much more done. I’ve learnt to forget about the eight and a half hours of sleep I used to think was ideal for me before, and I now spend ‘sleep-time’ cutting and gluing and completing other projects instead.

Having a baby has been a real win-win!

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