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Published on May 23rd, 2013 | 766 Views


The search for a nursery place in London

Baby Blocks

This week Baby Girl is learning about adapting to change. Or at least she should be learning about that if she understands what’s going on. Her plans to start nursery in the autumn have been cancelled.

I had focused all my efforts on one nursery for her. I had registered her when I was pregnant. I had visited several times, and I had arranged to pay the deposit to confirm her place early. We were all set.
Until we received a letter in the post on Monday. The nursery is closing down. Great. I guess I hadn’t done a very thorough job after all. Where were my SWOT and PEST analysis when I needed them. Living dangerously.

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One Response to The search for a nursery place in London

  1. auntiejanola says:

    Oh, sorry to hear that! So much planning gone to waste. But don’t worry, I am sure you will find something else…Perhaps even better! 🙂

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