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Published on August 27th, 2013 | 1077 Views


Taking a one-year old to the zoo

Yesterday I found myself spending my ten minutes of me-time after Baby Girl had gone to bed flicking through the latest issue of The Zoological Society of London’s members’ magazine. I still hadn’t opened the latest issue of Tatler, but somehow zoo events seemed to be much more relevant to my life right now.

We took one-year old Baby Girl to London Zoo for the first time yesterday, and Daddy T and I returned home with brand new membership cards. Baby Girl, who can enter for free until she turns three, got very excited about seeing large animals, such as the gorillas, the giraffes and the zebras, so that was it–we were sold.

It turns out London Zoo is where we’ll be hanging out this year–or in fact, it’s where we’ll be hanging out for several years to come, as we’ll most likely forget to cancel the direct debit for our annual membership.

But the annual membership didn’t seem like such a bad idea considering we support a good cause and only need to go three times a year to benefit from having the joint adult membership when paying by direct debit (£145).

Being members also means we can skip the ticket queue, which was seriously long when we left the zoo at around 12.30 yesterday. In addition, Baby Girl and I can park for free from Monday to Friday during term-time, and we even get a free members’ magazine. Wow.

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