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♡ London

Published on January 16th, 2016 | 1453 Views


Taking the family skiing at London’s new Chel-Ski

Chel-Ski TineWhen I was in Norway over Christmas and heard friends talk about little ones taking weekly ski lessons I felt sad Big Girl was missing out. This is what I was used to from growing up, and it’s something I would have loved for my own children too. But yesterday I realised it’s perfectly possible for us to enjoy skiing here in London.

We had been invited to try Chel-Ski, Chelsea’s new indoor skiing centre off New King’s Road, and we were all ready to hit the slope–or more specifically the revolving astro turf mat.

With an image of snowy mountains in the background and a few people watching from the ski cafe, three-year-old Big Girl was the first to get on, learning to snowplough by the friendly and experienced ski instructor Brad.

In between Big Girl skiing, Daddy T, Grandpa P and I tried too, all enjoying an active evening despite feeling we didn’t exactly show off our best skiing skills and taking a few hits while getting used to indoor skiing.

Despite being a confident skier I need a bit more time to be able to ski properly indoors, but I think the facilities are fantastic for anyone who wants to learn to ski, improve their technique or simply have fun together as a family like we did.

Big Girl is smiling in practically all the pictures we took of her on the slope, and her skiing technique also seemed to improve within minutes. The only downside is that she’s only 3, and right now Chel-Ski doesn’t offer weekly group lessons for this age group.

Chel-Ski, which is open seven days a week, offers lessons for children aged 5 and over, and I’ve heard great things about these from another mum. That’s why I was happy I spotted the owner on the way out yesterday and I had a chance to mention to him that we would love to see a weekly programme for preschoolers too.

Learning a new skill like skiing is good for building confidence and it’s also great exercise. For active London families planning a ski holiday and parents who want their kids to remember what they were taught on the last ski holiday, Chel-Ski is the place to go. It’s at least the place I would love to hang out every week.

Chel-Ski can adjust the speed and angle of the slopes to match the ability of skiers, making the facilities suitable for both beginners and expert skiers. Session can be booked by phone and a single session is £39.95 per adult and £34.95 per child (minimum age 5). Children aged 3 and 4  can ski in a one-to-one session, which is £199.95 for an hour (up to 6 skiers).

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