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Growing up

Published on April 22nd, 2016 | 1088 Views


How to teach children to wash their hands with SquidSoap

‘This would make a good Barbie skirt!’

Big Girl and I had slightly different intentions for our hand washing session the other week. She looked at the SquidSoap we’d received a sample of and figured the squid detailing could be used for dressing up Barbie, while I thought it was a fun dispenser for talking about hand washing.

Living in London and often visiting animal attractions, among others, I’m regularly trying to ensure we have good hand washing habits. Sometimes it might have gone too far, and I was slightly embarrassed when three-year-old Big Girl came running to me asking for a wet wipe after touching a dirty ball at football practice in the park the other day.

But most of the time I’m just trying to keep us all safe and healthy. This is also the intention behind SquidSoap–a soap dispenser designed for teaching children healthy hand washing habits.

When pressing the pump on SquidSoap, you get coloured ink on your hand. The idea is then to take soap and keep rubbing hands until the magic ink is gone.

I’ve found the ink works best when it’s not dry, and it then serves the purpose of highlighting the importance of not just taking soap and rinsing it off with water, but actually rubbing the entire palm and taking the full 20 seconds recommended to get clean hands before rinsing with water.

Big Girl likes the Squid Soap, which looks fun with eyes on the rubber ‘Barbie skirt’, and the soap itself appears to be mild and suitable for her skin.

It could be worth a try for families talking about hand washing routines when spending more time outdoors this season!

SquidSoap is available to buy from JoJo Maman Bebe (£2.50)

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