Teaching young children to ski
‘Where are the brakes? Where are the brakes?’
When we were skiing with Big Boy today he kept making me laugh. It was his third day with skis on, but today he suddenly wished he’d had brakes on them.
I haven’t gotten to the stage where I’ve taught him to snowplough yet, and since he’s only two and a half years old it’s been all about playing in the snow instead
To make skiing fun, we’ve encouraged him to pretend to be everything from the Gruffalo to Father Christmas. We’ve also been airplanes, which has been a huge success, and we’ve pretended to make clouds in the snow.
I also made five-year-old Big Girl come and do the traffic light game with us, which I think is brilliant for practising snowploughing. She is now great at stopping when I shout “red” and going when I shout “green”, but I soon realised it was a bit tricky for Big Boy to compete.
Instead, we carried on with other games, such as playing tag with skis on to encourage him to move around even where it was flat.
And in between the giggles–and sometimes a few tears–we were taking tonnes of photos and videos of his first attempts at skiing.
Proud parents!