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Growing up

Published on January 25th, 2018 | 1975 Views


Celebrating the release of Teletubbies Follow the Leader DVD

‘They’re running all around, Mummy’
‘They’re saying eh-oh’

On Sunday we went to a screening of the new Teletubbies DVD Follow the Leader at Sony, and Big Boy was sitting on the edge of his seat providing me with running commentary.

He watched closely as we saw a plane do loops in the Loop-the-Loop episode on the DVD, and he smiled when the Tubby toasts flew through the air in the same episode. In the Follow the Leader episode on the DVD, the Teletubbies were playing a game in their home, and a group of children were following the leader when going to the playground.

At the DVD release celebration I was reminded how much the adorable characters appeal to the very youngest TV viewers. The show teaches children about new concepts by reinforcing terms, such as ‘loop the loop’ in different ways in each episode, and the way it is presented appears to keep a young audience entertained.

On Sunday we got to meet the cute Laa Laa and Po, who were handing out cuddles for National Hugging Day, and the children also got to dance with them and the original Sun Baby Jessica Smith.

A colourful and fun morning with some very sweet and cuddly Teletubbies!

Teletubbies Follow the Leader DVD feature six new episodes. 

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