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Published on December 21st, 2012 | 639 Views


The latest breastfeeding advice

Baby Girl is growing fast. So fast that Grandma N is a bit worried. Since Baby Girl still wakes up hungry in the wee hours of the morning, Grandma N suggested I could perhaps give Baby Girl water instead of breastfeeding her at that time of day.

But I’m not giving in. I’m not worried about my four-month old Baby Girl getting heavier to carry. She’s following her curve in terms of weight gain, and I no longer have to feel guilty about not going to the gym as every day is like a workout.

Baby Girl is still fully breastfed, and so far she’s not had anything else to eat or drink – unless Ranitidine and vitamin D drops count.

With the limited range of things she’s tasted, I’m sure breast milk is a clear favourite. Daddy T, who had 10ml of breast milk at Heathrow, might disagree, but I don’t think Baby Girl would be willing to miss out on a top-up of the best drink there is – and I’m not willing to jeopardise my milk supply.

Instead, I think I’ll just add water to the ever growing list of bad suggestions from the older generation.

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2 Responses to The latest breastfeeding advice

  1. Hi. Congrats on bfing for 4 months. 🙂 Nope water isn’t needed right now. You’re absolutely correct that your baby doesn’t need anything besides Moms milk. We’ve been breastfeeding for 19 months now. I only gave my son water after he was 6 months and seemed interested in people food. Only small amounts too because I didn’t want to take away from his nutritional needs.

  2. Kerry says:

    The nutritional value of breast milk can certainly not be underestimated.

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