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Travel Snowman

Published on January 3rd, 2016 | 1010 Views


The reality of holidaying with baby this Christmas

Before Christmas I was up in the middle of the night trying to get everything ready often after long days with whining, meltdowns and other everyday stresses. When I appeared exhausted Daddy T tried suggesting that I was not to worry, as we would soon have two relaxing weeks off together as a family and with relatives in Norway. I wasn’t completely convinced it was going to be the epitome of relaxation.

And I was right. On one of the first days Baby Boy’s breathing sounded abnormal. He seemed to be breathing with his chest and was making a wheezy sound. He had been coughing too, and I had taken him to see a doctor for the cold a few days earlier.

I didn’t want to take any risks though, and despite feeling like an overprotective mum since he didn’t have a temperature I took him to an out of hours doctors clinic on a late evening. The next morning I was back again, unsure if I was being too hysterical, but we were soon referred to the emergency unit at a nearby hospital, as Baby Boy had croup and bronchiolitis.

My super relaxing holiday was spent trying to stay awake for as much of the night as possible to check on his breathing, hold Baby Boy out the window to help him breathe when he was coughing non-stop and make decisions on when he needed the inhaler we’d borrowed from hospital.

Just another relaxing holiday with kids.

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