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Published on March 11th, 2013 | 758 Views


Succeeding with settling baby in the evening

Plush rabbitBaby Girl did not want Mother’s Day to end on Sunday. Her idea of Mother’s Day was slightly different from mine though. She seemed to think Mother’s Day was all about spending time with her mummy–no matter what time of day it was.

When she was meant to be fast asleep at ten in the evening, she decided she wanted me in her room with her. To settle her, I tried using a trick our maternity consultant Hattie Weeks had taught me, and held Baby Girl’s arms close to her body. It worked. She relaxed and was fast asleep again, so I slowly released my hands.

The only problem was that Baby Girl knows what she wants now. As soon as I removed my hands, she appeared to be wide awake. It practically became a game.

We repeated the arm-holding process five times. Every time Baby Girl woke up after I had been hoping to escape, I could hear Daddy T bursting into a laugh in the living room. He was watching the whole debacle on the baby monitor, and found my frustration terribly amusing.

I can’t wait for Father’s Day. I’m assuming the roles will be swapped on that Sunday.

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One Response to Succeeding with settling baby in the evening

  1. Oh I love my arms being held to get me to sleep too. I’ve recently discovered I love my cheek to be stroked too. Zzzzzzzzz……

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