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Published on October 14th, 2014 | 1519 Views


3 tips for shopping for a winter baby

With many of my friends from antenatal group now being pregnant with their second baby, the big topic of discussion these days is preparing for a new winter arrival. It’s all about how many times our first babies were dressed in their adorable snowsuits, and what were the best sleeping bags for use in the buggy.

Here are my three top tips for preparing for a winter baby:

1. Stock up on wool
Wool bodies are ideal for layering, as wool dries quickly and is useful for regulating baby’s body temperature. I bought bodies from Bambino Merino for Baby Girl in all the baby sizes, and they are soft and seemed comfortable to wear.

2. Check out the long-lasting Voksi bag
To keep baby warm in the buggy, I think the Urban wool and down stroller bag from Voksi is a brilliant choice. The Voksi bag might not be particularly well-known in the UK market, but it’s extremely popular in Norway and fits a variety of buggies. I think it’s a very functional and good quality product, and we used it in the carrycot for the first six-months and then continued using it in the seated position – and it still fits Baby Girl now.

3. Remember a snowsuit for special outings
I absolutely adore the snowsuits from brands like Tartine et Chocolat, and Baby Girl had one with a fur-lined hood. Even if we didn’t use it every day during the colder months, it looked super cute in photos and it was brilliant for travelling to snowy countries. Looking back, it was probably a (really) nice-to-have as opposed to a must-have since it’s not as practical to get baby in and out of the snowsuit and a sleeping bag is often easier to use.

(Don’t forget to get your winter baby some snug knitwear, such as hats, booties and cardigans.)

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2 Responses to 3 tips for shopping for a winter baby

  1. Stephanie says:

    I love how you have included Voksi in this post. It would be great to hear about the Scandinavian way of parenting. I am particularly fascinated with babies taking their naps outside whatever the weather and prams parked outside of shops and restaurants. Something you won’t find here!

    I am having difficulty purchasing a voksi sleeping bag, mainly because their international website does not sell outside of Scandinavia and the few stores online do not ship to the UK.

    • Tine says:

      Hi Stephanie, Sorry to hear you’ve had problems ordering a Voksi sleeping bag. I would suggest contacting the company, as I’m sure it used to be possible to buy it online on their website. A friend had it sent to her London address, but I’m not sure if they’ve changed since we bought ours.

      In terms of parking babies outside of shops and restaurants, I agree with you. You would never see that in London, and since I’m now feeling more like a Londoner, I would never consider doing this myself even when visiting Norway.

      Let me know how you get on with Voksi! Tine x

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