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Growing up no image

Published on January 10th, 2014 | 911 Views


Toddler attached to teddy bear

Toddler attached to teddy bearYesterday I found Teddy in the sink. He was having a bath in Baby Girl’s toy kitchen sink. It was one of his first adventures – and I’m not liking it.

The problem is that this makes me worried we’ve bought too few copies of Teddy (a cute teddy bear from Senger Tierpuppen). I constantly see toddlers walking around with their teddies, and it must be absolutely devastating if they lose them.

I really don’t want to get into a situation like that, so I’ve tried to teach 16-month old Baby Girl that Teddy belongs in her bed. She used to be fine with giving him a cuddle in the morning and then placing him back in her bed, but now it’s suddenly all changed.

Teddy, who she’s now very attached to, is not going back in bed in the morning. He’s staying with Baby Girl.

I can’t exactly explain to her that I’ve lost three hats I loved and I drove off without her buggy once. I’m terrible at looking after my belongings, and we would be without Teddy within days if she were to start taking him outside. Help!

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