When toddler chews on furniture board
Last week I ended up taking an unplanned trip to our private GP at The Smart Clinics, previously The Westover. I came armed with a thin piece of wooden furniture board and a smiling Baby Girl. I had been walking next to her to the car, but while I opened the car door, 16-month old Baby Girl had managed to put something in her mouth.
I immediately noticed she was chewing on something and was horrified when I removed two small pieces of a wooden board from her mouth. I couldn’t stop worrying that there had been a third piece, and when I studied it closer it looked like there was a risk there had been a tiny piece she could have swallowed.
I showed it to everyone I met that morning, and other mums said it was nothing to worry about. I agreed with the others that it looked pretty harmless, and I was glad it was wood and not a battery, a magnet or a sharp object.
But I still couldn’t’ stop thinking about it, and I didn’t think I would sleep very well without asking a professional. Baby Girl didn’t mind making an extra stop at The Smart Clinics though. She was excited to get to play with the toys in the GP office, and after pushing a car along the floor and chatting to our GP we both left feeling very happy. Phew!