When toddler develops an interest in books
I think I need to register Baby Girl at a few more schools. I’ve heard some schools are more suited to the type of children who love books and reading, but when I filled in the registration forms at around the time Baby Girl was born, I found it a little bit difficult to predict if she would fit this description.
Now, it’s a different story. It turns out 17-month Baby Girl is most definitely into books. At least if an interest in one book – The Tiger Who Came to Tea (HarperCollins Children’s Books, £6.99) – is what schools are looking for.
After Baby Girl received the tiger book in the goody bag at the afternoon tea at The Kensington Hotel the other week, she’s learnt to say the word ‘tiger’, and she wants me to read it out to her at least five times a day.
Yesterday morning even Grandma N had to hear the story about the tiger. We were on Skype with her, but Baby Girl had little interest in the conversation. She kept shouting ‘book, book, book’, and was much more concerned about not having her breakfast book session disturbed.
According to her, it was time to read the tiger book–again. It was still before 8 in the morning, and I was reading it for the third time that day.
If this doesn’t count as ‘being into books’, I’m not sure what does. Go Baby Girl!