When toddler starts talking
Four months ago I was writing a list of words Baby Boy could say, and I was Googling how many words he should be saying at 20 months.
Now I’m not sure what I was worried about. I should have been patient. I should have enjoyed not being bossed around by one more person in the house.
It only took three more months for that to change completely.
Baby Boy, who soon turns 2, is now copying everything Big Girl says, and the favourite sentence is: “My turn”. It starts with a simple command and then turns into a whining “myyyyy tuuuurn”.
He also gets upset if I walk around tidying while he’s playing, and is quick to shout “sit down”. And it’s too cute not to sit down on the floor and drive the Brio train around.
When he feels done playing with the train he shouts “horsie, neigh neigh” and insists on being transported around the house on a pretend horseback.
Baby Boy has most definitely cracked the code!