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♡ London Tennis toddler London

Published on January 14th, 2015 | 2066 Views


Finding toddler tennis classes in Chelsea and Fulham

On Monday 28-month-old Baby Girl and I had our first discussion about sports. I said I wasn’t really that into football when we saw someone playing, and she replied: ‘I think tennis is fun.’

Hmmm. She’s never actually played tennis – unless she counts the tennis-style beach toy she owns – but this clearly needs to change if our 2-year-old is passionate about the sport without even trying.

Baby Girl might have been a tad influenced by the fact that Daddy T plays tennis regularly, but if she already considers tennis to be fun, I think we need to get her started ASAP.

After she told me she liked tennis, I went straight to the Harbour Club shop to check out a 17-inch Babolat tennis racquet, which I’ve understood is suitable for her age and I checked out the Teddy Tennis e-shop, which offers beginner sets, including racquet, kids tennis balls, a CD with motivating Teddy Tennis songs and more.

In terms of courses, these appear to be the best options for toddler tennis classes in Chelsea and Fulham:

Teddy Tennis
There are Teddy Tennis courses all over London, and I’ve seen these classes with little ones in the area many times before. Teddy Tennis classes are available from ages 2.5 years and above, and one of their venues is Gambado Chelsea by Imperial Wharf.

Harbour Club Chelsea
From the age of 3, there’s the option to join Harbour Club Tennis All Stars, a junior tennis coaching programme at Harbour Club Chelsea with a large number of tots classes (3-4 years) and even a choice of weekend classes for all ages. This option would be fantastic for us since we come to Harbour Club regularly and if she were to enjoy the sports it would make sense to continue playing at Harbour Club.

For now, however, I think Baby Girl would be thrilled to get all the equipment she needs and have Daddy T as her personal coach in the garden and me as the DJ playing inspiring music.

Go Baby Girl!

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