Top toys for 2-year old girls
Dolls need to go for walks, be changed, fed, and put to bed–and they need all the accessories and equipment to make looking after them possible. There are so many doll accessories to stock up on, and there never seems to be enough dolls and equipment. That’s why I’m sure highlights from Baby Girl’s birthday have included her new 36cm Corolle doll, doll bed, changing bag and high chair.
Minnie Mouse
The Minnie Mouse series by Fisher Price is suitable for ages 2 and over, and Baby Girl was lucky enough to get the yacht, the convertible car and a princess Minnie Mouse set for her birthday. These toys are among her favourites, and she can sit and play with them for much longer than many of her other toys. I also love this series, as I think the Minnie dolls and accessories are great for taking out and about and Baby Girl can put on different outfits on Minnie on her own. Since it can be difficult to dress other dolls without help, I think Minnie is ideal for building confidence and gaining a sense of achievement.
Dressing up
I’ve just started noticing Baby Girl’s interest in princesses and ballerinas, and I’m sure now is the time to start adding costumes or accessories to her wish list. Earlier this week, she was dressed as a princess at a friend’s house, and at home the ballerina skirt has been brilliant fun. Hats and headbands can also be exciting for little ones, so this might be a good starting point for a collection of costumes!
Tea party
I don’t know how many cups of tea I have on a daily basis these days. The number quickly adds up if I count all the pretend cups I drink during a day. Hosting a tea party is incredibly exciting, and I often see Baby Girl and her friends preparing delicious treats in their toy kitchens together and serving up pretend food and drinks. Tea sets are not only fun for little ones, but also for all the teddies and dolls in the house who get to drink the yummy (invisible) tea!