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Published on February 10th, 2013 | 1020 Views


Travelling with the Bugaboo

Stokke Pram PackIt’s always a good idea to start packing early. That’s why I convinced Daddy T to have a go at packing the Bugaboo at 1 o’clock in the morning the night before we were leaving for Tampa.

We had never travelled with the Bugaboo before, and I’m not sure we ever will.

We have the Stokke Pram Pack, which many of our friends love too since it can be rolled up, and it made sense for us to get it as it works with different prams, including our Mountain Buggy and the Bugaboo.

But it would have helped if we’d actually figured out how to use this incredibly space-saving travel bag. We could immediately see that there was no way the carrycot was going to fit when we first tried it out, and there was no mention of the carrycot in the instructions we found online.

I later heard that we should of course have folded the carrycot fully flat, but when we were in the middle of it, I was wary of the alarm going off in a few hours and just wanted to give up.

Daddy T hadn’t realised it was an option not to take the Bugaboo, so when I mentioned we could take the Maclaren Quest instead, he was wondering what he was doing lying on the floor desperately trying to adjust straps, remove handles and use all his strength to close the cover just to get that little bit of extra luggage to add to the already huge pile of bags in the living room.

I’m really not sure what he was thinking..

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