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Growing up

Published on September 11th, 2017 | 1073 Views


When dad saves the soft toy’s birthday party

When Daddy T came home from work today I was on Prime Now trying to look for a Ty keyring owl called Owen. Owen had gone missing and I needed him ASAP.

I had looked everywhere for Owen. I had been through the car. I had looked in all the play suitcases that five-year-old Big Girl packs to go on pretend holiday. I had checked the doll’s house that looked like a good potential home for Owen, and I had looked through the toy baskets. The rainbow-coloured owl was nowhere to be seen.

The problem was that it is Owen’s birthday tomorrow morning. Big Girl has counted down sleeps to this important occasion and prepared the nine cuddly guests that are coming to his party. Everything was ready for Owen’s big celebrations–apart from Owen himself.

I had previously been excited when we discovered the Ty beanie soft toys come with a tag with the names and birthdays on them, but earlier I was getting frustrated, wishing we had never seen Owen’s birthday date.

But the first thing Daddy T said when he walked in was: ‘Have you checked the cup holder in the car?’

I had checked the car. I had been lying on the floor in the car checking under the seats. But I had not expected Owen to nap in the hidden cup holder.

Next time we’re organising a party for a cuddly toy and the toy goes missing I will not spend hours on a search mission. I will leave it to Daddy T. Dad of the hour.

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