Valuable information for busy mums
If anyone’s wondering what happens if you fill petrol and can’t pay for it, I know the answer. I was standing at the petrol station in New King’s Road in Fulham yesterday feeling a little bit panicky when I realised I had very little cash and I couldn’t see any of my usual cards.
I had my wallet–and all my rewards cards–but the rest were missing. Baby Girl loves removing cards from my wallet, and she tends to like the Amex and the Visa.
I had forgotten to put them back into the wallet after our little shopping game the night before, and I had no idea what the pin code was on the old back-up card I had kept in a separate pocket for emergencies. After using my three attempts to guess the pin on the emergency card, it got blocked, and I was forced to admit defeat. I had no way of paying the £79.23 I owed for my full tank.
But it wasn’t too bad. There’s actually a form to fill in for people like me. The lady who served me was lovely and helped me with the form and gave me a special receipt. I could leave my driver’s licence and come back later to pay instead.
Daddy T had the pleasure of driving up there to fix the issue at nine thirty last night. Another well-spent evening.