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Activities for toddlers Artwork painting

Published on July 31st, 2014 | 913 Views


Making the most of a rainy summer day

Make fashion from a drawing
With all the lovely weather we’ve had, I feel we’ve missed out on some summer art activities, and I can’t wait to get stuck into painting and drawing again. I’ve been looking at ways of doing more with Baby Girl’s artwork, and I’m fascinated with the options offered by companies such as Luke Drew This although I haven’t tried it yet. It seems brilliant that you can scan or photograph your child’s artwork, and have it turned into a t-shirt or canvas bag. If you have a baby on the way and you have older children, you could even have the older ones make a body for the newborn with their drawing on. Truly unique!

Watch the new Shaun the Sheep DVD
Shaun the Sheep, from the creators of Wallace & Gromit, was recently voted UK’s favourite BBC children’s TV character of all time in a Radio Times poll, and for all Shaun the Sheep fans, there’s a new DVD out this week with 10 short episodes and behind-the-scenes features from the animated series. I can’t wait to see it, and I’m sure it will be ideal for rainy summer days.

Stock up on building blocks
When Baby Girl received a new Duplo set the other week, we realised how much fun building blocks can be for the whole family. Whether it is Mega Bloks, Duplo or Lego, we all get very involved, and it’s an activity that suits both girls and boys and different age groups. Daddy T has been eyeing a new Duplo farm now for Baby Girl, and I’m sure it won’t be long before she will have a pretty extensive collection. For older children, there’s also the opportunity to join free monthly build sessions in the Westfield Lego Store, and there’s one on 7 August from 4-6pm for children aged 6-14.

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