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Pregnancy Plain Lazy Baby Grow

Published on July 21st, 2015 | 1267 Views


What to do when baby is colicky

Yesterday Baby Boy and I were queuing outside the pharmacy on Parsons Green before it opened at 9am. The aim with our visit was to avoid any more strangers coming up to us and suggesting five-week-old Baby Boy has colic.

In fact, I was feeling very ready to learn all about what to do with wind and colic.

I’ve been quite surprised with how much Baby Boy cries. A bit shocked actually. He definitely has a tendency to cry a tad more than I would have preferred, and it might well be related to colicky pain.

That’s why I figured it was time to try some of the products like Infacol, which we had lined up before Baby Girl was born and never felt we needed with her, so we’d failed to add them to our baby shopping list this time around.

After hearing all about the different options in the pharmacy, including a tea, I returned home with some different products and decided Infacol was my first choice since it’s orange-flavoured, so it should taste nicer than some of the other baby colic remedy options, and it is easy to use on the go before each feed since it’s given with a dropper.

At the same time as I’m trying Infacol, I’m also waiting for Baby Boy to cooperate on the baby routine I had in mind for him, which is something I’ve understood could help reduce wind if the problem is that he doesn’t have enough time to digest after each feed.

After a few weeks of this now, it would be pretty brilliant if something could help reduce the early evening crying. Anything for Baby Boy!

(The picture above shows a Just Done baby grow from Plain Lazy (£25))

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3 Responses to What to do when baby is colicky

  1. SK says:

    A daily dose of gripe water for a couple of months really helped our baby during the colic days.

  2. Hannah Cader says:

    ‘Mommy’s bliss’ worked wonders for me.

  3. Tine says:

    Thank you, both! It seems like it’s worth trying different products to find something that works

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