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Pregnancy Hospital Bag for Baby

Published on May 18th, 2015 | 1840 Views


What to pack in the hospital bag for baby

My 1st Years Personalised MuslinsWhen I felt I was hitting the contractions timer on my iPhone too often last week to check if the Braxton Hicks were getting more frequent and regular, I suddenly started panicking about not having the hospital bag completely ready. But that changed within hours.

For baby, I’ve now packed three cotton sleepsuits in size newborn and four cotton bodies in the same size, all bought from Babylist before Baby Girl was born. The basic clothes seemed to be the most practical for the first few days last time, but I liked having a few other outfits in the hospital bag too, so I’ve also packed a couple of other 0-3 months outfits we’ve bought for Baby Boy from Ralph Lauren and Tartine et Chocolat–one which will be Baby Boy’s going-home outfit.

In addition to clothes and hats (in different sizes to ensure one fits), I’ve packed two Aden & Anais swaddling blankets for him, a cotton Ralph Lauren blanket, and a beautiful, soft, knitted cotton, cobalt geometric blanket from Australian brand Jolie Petite Chose, which I received to review from new, chic online boutique

When Baby Girl was born there was a heatwave in London, but our room at The Kensington Wing was still cold due to air-condition, and we were reminded by midwives to put an extra blanket on her, so I want to make sure we have enough blankets packed this time too.

We also quickly realised it was essential to have muslins at hand, and I’ve packed the adorable personalised muslins we’ve received to review from My 1st Years–a super practical newborn gift fit for any little prince–and we’ll need to get more muslins for the bag too.

Baby Boy also has an adorable cuddly rabbit in the bag. Before Baby Girl was born, I did lots of research on cuddly animals, and we bought her a teddy from German brand Senger Tierpuppen, which produces handmade organic cuddly animals. Baby Girl had her teddy from Day 1, when we took a photo of them together, and teddy still comes everywhere with us. Baby Boy will have a matching beige floppy bunny, which Senger Tierpuppen has kindly gifted us, so bunny is now packed with baby’s new clothes.

I’ve also packed size 1 Pampers nappies and organic cotton squares from Organyc, which I’ve received to review and wanted to pack because the large size looks good for cleaning baby with water.

Let’s hope we haven’t forgotten anything!

Hospital bag check list for baby: Sleepsuits, bodies, hats, going-home outfit, muslins, nappies, cotton pads, blankets, swaddling blanket, and potentially a cute cuddly animal

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