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Published on January 30th, 2017 | 1747 Views


What’s new: Baby and toddler classes in South West London

Chelsea Swim Spa opens new slots
In Chelsea, the swimming school situated in the basement of a residential property, Chelsea Swim Spa, has seen growing demand for classes, and the venue has opened up new slots on Wednesdays between 9am and noon. Chelsea Swim Spa is ideal for parents who want their little ones to swim in a warm pool to avoid getting too cold. The pool, which is small, can also be hired for private use, and since it is only £50 to hire for 90 minutes it can make for a fun play date for antenatal groups or other friends.

Teddy Tennis starts football classes
Popular children’s tennis class provider Teddy Tennis has introduced a football programme too, and there are now classes for children aged 3 to 5 on Saturdays from 11am to 11.45am in Kingston. The classes started on 14 January.

Monkey Music adds new Chelsea venue
For this term, Monkey Music in Chelsea and Westminster has added a new venue–The Hut, which is located behind Hall of Remembrance in Flood Street, near Waitrose on King’s Road. There are classes at The Hut on Monday and Wednesday mornings.

Talking Tots starts South West London classes
To boost early communication and language skills, Talking Tots offers classes for babies and toddlers in Clapham on Thursday mornings and Earlsfield on Tuesday mornings. The classes, which feature structured games, singing and rhymes, are designed by paediatric speech and language therapists to help develop concentration, attention, self-esteem and pre-literacy skills.

…And for mums there are new Henry Lamb Tennis Putney Mother’s group classes
After the February half-term Henry Lamb Tennis will introduce a group for mums who want to play tennis. The drop-in sessions will take place  from 8.30-10am on Tuesdays and Thursdays and the venue is yet to be confirmed. The sessions are available to book online or via email on

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