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Published on June 9th, 2013 | 909 Views


When baby loves music

TineA few years ago, a friend with a baby told me she went to weekly baby rock classes with her little one. It sounded horrid. I decided I never wanted to do that.

But after 12 weeks with Baby Girl we were not only doing baby music once a week. We were there three mornings a week.

In the beginning I didn’t even know the lyrics to Incy Wincy Spider. Now I don’t only know all the classics. My repertoire includes every possible song that might come up during a children’s music class.

When Daddy T came home on Friday, I was dancing around with Baby Girl singing Up, Up, Up in a Balloon with great conviction.

I’m constantly singing these days. Grandma N, who once told me singing wasn’t for me, has even commented that having a baby must have been good for my voice.

I’ve become the one singing loudest in all the classes we go to. Sometimes it also seems like there’s just the teacher and me who know the words.

The only problem with my loud singing is that it regularly sounds like I’ve been out all night and I wake up with a hoarse voice. Baby Girl really doesn’t understand the concept of me needing a bit of rest. And it’s all about Baby Girl.

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2 Responses to When baby loves music

  1. Alexandra says:

    Oh there must be something with biology: all mothers sing lullabies and nursery rhymes much better than they sing some other songs! 🙂

    • Tine says:

      Good point! Perhaps that’s why it seems like I’m becoming a better singer! 🙂

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