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Growing up no image

Published on August 8th, 2013 | 538 Views


When baby starts developing a sweet tooth

Ice cream sorbet dessertThere’s no point going on a diet just yet. I think it’s much more sensible to make the most of the little time I have left until Baby Girl will want everything I eat. That’s how I now justify eating a little bit of chocolate every day. Yesterday I even had some for breakfast, as our fridge was still suffering from the post-holiday emptiness.

But it’s fine to eat chocolate now. So far, I can have some without 11-month old Baby Girl showing any interest in it, but in a few months’ time it will probably be unfair to eat sweets in front of her.

That’s when I’ll start thinking about what I eat. I don’t want her to eat too much sugar, and I guess I don’t really want myself to eat it either.

In fact, this has already had an effect on my ice cream consumption. We’ve let Baby Girl taste ice cream in the heat, and she seems to love it. It means I can’t have ice cream without her demanding a taste though, and last week it all ended in her having a tantrum after the two of us had finished a vanilla and toffee one.

If there’s that much fuss every time I’m in the mood for a sugar-rush, I’ll probably end up on a no-sweets diet without even realising it.

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