When baby starts enjoying going to the theatre
I’ve suddenly found myself spending hours researching theatre companies for children online. It didn’t take more than 45 minutes to convince me that I need to ensure Baby Girl and I go to a children’s theatre on a regular basis.
I received complimentary tickets to Ga Ga Theatre’s Up & Down by Olivier Jeffers at Notting Hill Picturehouse yesterday to review the show, and I was amazed with how the two actors managed to captivate a young audience.
The sweet story about a boy and the penguin who wants to fly was a hit with the little ones. Thirteen-month old Baby Girl was there with two friends, and they all seemed to enjoy the show, with all three looking completely mesmerised at most times.
They weren’t the only ones who loved the experience though. I was impressed with the production too. It was practically like watching a children’s book come alive, as illustrations from the book were projected on a big screen, creating a lovely backdrop for the performance.
But the highlight for me was still simply sitting down in the comfy chair with Baby Girl on my lap and watching her enjoying her very first professional theatre experience. If I’d known that a show like this could even make her giggle, I would’ve taken her to every single children’s theatre in South West London.
Up and Down is now showing at six of the Picturehouse cinemas across London – Brixton, Clapham, Greenwich, Hackney, Notting Hill and Stratford East – and it is aimed at babies and children up to 7 years. The show lasts for 45 minutes and there’s no interval.