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Published on September 25th, 2013 | 990 Views


When baby starts ordering from restaurant menus

Childrens_menu_No11On Sunday, we were visiting grandparents, but Baby Girl was standing ready by the door after she’d had her breakfast. I think she was worried she would be deprived of her usual Sunday brunch.

I can’t remember the last time we had Sunday brunch at home. When Baby Girl was younger we used to go out for breakfast, bringing her porridge out with us. Now that we can order off a menu for her, we usually leave it a bit later. At the moment, it is perfect for us to head to a restaurant at around 11 or 11.30 when Baby Girl has her lunch.

Last Sunday we spent in London we went to No 11 Pimlico Road, where Baby Girl had yummy fish fingers with a side of greens. The children’s menu – all at £7.50 – also included an ice cream sundae, but we decided she didn’t really need that, and we weren’t allowed to swap it for a piece of fruit.

There are generally lots of options for a nice Sunday brunch though. Our other favourites include Tom’s Kitchen (best to book for Sundays at 11/11.30) and Daylesford Organic.

I don’t typically have issues finding Baby Girl something to eat from a brunch menu even if there aren’t specific children’s options available. She likes scrambled eggs with toast and avocado, for example–a typical brunch menu dish.

Baby Girl is not to worry. Of course she deserves a weekly family brunch.

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