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Pregnancy Baby Holiday Beach

Published on April 4th, 2016 | 997 Views


When baby starts sleeping through the night

I never thought I could have a baby who could sleep through the night at nine months, but I actually do if I haven’t jinxed it by writing this post.

We brought 12 bottles of ready-to-feed formula on holiday last week despite the fact that I’m still breastfeeding. The plan was to top up the bedtime feed with formula, and then have Daddy T in charge of Baby Boy over night to put an end to frequent night time feeds.

We forgot about the bottles we had carried all the way. And the plan. But Baby Boy somehow did it on his own.

He started sleeping between seven and nine hours without waking up, and after four nights he magically slept from 7pm to 6.40am.

I had still been up three times that night, checking that he was still breathing and lying in bed waiting for him to wake up, but he was perfectly fine.

It almost came as a shock though, as Baby Boy has always been waking up every three hours or more frequently. My expectations have also been pretty low as Big Girl didn’t start sleeping through the night before she was 16 months, and both have had a strict bedtime routine from being newborns.

I can’t pinpoint what it was we were doing differently on holiday in France–apart from being at the beach all day and Baby Boy changing from commando-style crawling to normal crawling–but whatever it was we have to figure out the answer quickly, so he can sleep in London too.

If it is the beach life he enjoys, perhaps I’ll pack a bag and hang out in the terrace at Harbour Club going forward. Anything for a fantastic sleeper.

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