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Published on June 5th, 2013 | 700 Views


When baby starts waving

Tine HolidayIt looks cute when Baby Girl smiles and waves at strangers at the airport. It looks completely wrong when I do it.

When Baby Girl and I were flying back from Oslo on Sunday, I found myself walking  through the tax free waving at a male shop assistant, who was handing out flyers by the entrance. He smiled and waved back at me when I suddenly realised I looked very silly.

After Baby Girl started waving last month when she was eight-months old, we’ve been waving a lot. She comes crawling around a corner, looks up at me and waves. I wave back and get overly excited about how clever she is.

When we’re out, Baby Girl’s waving doesn’t only put a smile on my face. She waves at waiters, airport security staff and receptionists. In fact, she waves at any passers-by she deems worthy of a little wink.

This habit of hers must be rubbing off on me. I just wish I too could pass as cute.

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2 Responses to When baby starts waving

  1. auntiejanola says:

    In the beginning of the post I was sure you will write about mistaking your hubs for someone else at the airport…That would’ve also been extremely funny! 😉

  2. Tine says:

    Yes, but I didn’t even have an excuse for acting weird – just waving at random strangers like my little one! 🙂

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