Published on January 11th, 2015 | 865 Views
0When blue is the next big thing
‘Baby, you need blue scooter, ok?’
‘And horsie and scooter bag, so you can go outside with me’
Baby Girl likes chatting to Baby Boy about his shopping needs. After getting the result from the Harmony test – when we found out that I’m pregnant with a boy this time – I’ve had more than a month to work on the fact that we’re expecting a baby brother and not a baby sister.
We’ve had a number of interesting discussions on colour choices. Twenty-eight-month old Baby Girl has insisted babies like pink and not blue, and she’s constantly picked out pink baby toys and clothes she’s wanted to buy him when we’ve been out and about.
This week, however, it’s all changed. Baby Girl has decided he certainly can’t have her pink scooter. He will have to get his own. A bright blue one.
My next mission now is to explain that he won’t actually arrive scooting out of mummy’s tummy.