When dad introduces guilt-free weekend lie-ins
This post is hopefully going live while I’m fast asleep. It’s only happened once before since Baby Boy was born that I’ve been asleep after 7am, but according to Daddy T this is something we’re introducing in 2016.
The reason is that Daddy T wants guilt-free weekend lie-ins this year. He wants to have a lie-in one day instead of two days over the weekends, as he feels he’ll benefit more from one morning with guilt-free sleep than two mornings lying in bed feeling a teeny bit guilty for failing to get up and helping me with the children.
I’ve not complained though, and this is all him. I know he works hard during the week, and that’s why I’ve learnt to survive on very little sleep and taken the children on both Saturday and Sunday mornings without starting any arguments.
But I most definitely won’t argue with Daddy T about his new wish for 2016 either.
It will be lovely. I’m not as generous as you and I claimed Saturday morning from day one and gave my OH sunday morning. I knew there was no point going with who gets up first because we can both pretend to be asleep like pros.