Published on January 4th, 2016 | 1076 Views
0When mum needs to negotiate better
The other morning I realised what my New Year’s resolution should be. It was 7am, and I had as always been up several times during the night to soothe an upset Baby Boy. I really couldn’t stand the thought of jumping out of bed as usual.
To get out of the morning routine, I tried asking Daddy T if I could perhaps have a 20-minute lie-in and he could get up and give Baby Boy his breakfast porridge. Daddy T, however, was very concerned about me losing precious time with my baby.
I was going to be out with Big Girl in the late afternoon that day, so his best excuse was that surely it would be very upsetting for me to miss out on spending extra time with Baby Boy in the morning.
He didn’t quite believe me when I said I would be perfectly fine in bed for a teeny bit longer while Daddy T had time off work and could perhaps be with him for 20 minutes before sunrise instead of me.
It didn’t take me many seconds before I gave in though and forced myself down to the kitchen with Baby Boy on one arm and Big Girl close behind.
I clearly need to work on my negotiation skills in 2016.