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Growing up

Published on November 15th, 2015 | 891 Views


When preschooler is all grown up

‘I’m a grown up. I’m the mummy’

Since becoming a mum I’ve realised how quickly children grow up although three-year old Baby Girl is not to be trusted completely with her claims about how big she is. She’s most definitely not a grown up nor a mummy for real. Phew. 

The reality is still, however, that she’s not a baby, and I know it’s become confusing for readers to have my preschooler referred to as a baby. She now looks at herself as a big girl who’s starting big school next year.

There’s no longer a Baby Girl in our house–or on the blog. Only Big Girl.

In the picture above she’s wearing a Daisy one-piece she received to review from the new Heidi Klein girls swimwear collection

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2 Responses to When preschooler is all grown up

  1. Celina says:

    Couldn´t agree more!!! Had I called my preschooler boy a baby, he would have had a heart attack! My daily “threat” when I want him to finish his fish and vegetables, is that if he does not eat healthy food, he will not become strong and big, but shrink into a baby. I even make specific reference to tiny babies we know. I can formally see the terror in his eyes when he contemplates becoming a baby all over again… Needless to say, fish and veggies go down in a flush! smile. Baby girl definitely deserves her new, all grown up name! smile

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