When to stop night time feeds
Baby Girl does everything once. She’s rolled around once She’s had a complete laughing fit once. And she’s slept through the night once.
Yes, just once.
It’s been more than a week now, and it’s not happened again. When she first did it, I just assumed that was it. I thought we wouldn’t have to get up in the middle of the night any more. But no. Not us. We’re still the sleep-deprived parents who have to jump out of bed and feed a crying baby.
I’m getting more and more frustrated about it. According to the routine, we’re even due to drop the late night feed soon. Baby Girl was meant to be able to sleep from seven to seven in the coming weeks. I’m not holding my breathe though. I’m starting to accept that Baby Girl is just not like our friends’ babies.
And I’m fine with it. She’s simply unique. Our unique little star.