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Published on October 28th, 2013 | 1853 Views


Where to celebrate Halloween with baby and toddler in London

Donkey Battersea Park ZooI have a feeling Baby Girl will miss being a cheeky monkey next week. She’ll probably find it difficult to understand why she’s no longer doing two days a week in fancy dress. Last week, she had two days to wear the monkey outfit and this week she also has two days to wear it. It’s not particularly difficult finding Halloween parties for little ones in London – although I’ve heard the tickets for the Kids Halloween party at Whole Foods in Kensington tomorrow is sold out.

Here are some suggestions for Halloween activities:

Family café Eat, Play, Love in Battersea is throwing a Halloween party for 1-4 year olds on Wednesday 30 October. There will be entertainment by HartBeeps, a fancy dress competition, face painting, party bags and more. Buy tickets online or at the café for £10 per child (£8 siblings) and £5 per adult (with hot drink).

Culture Kids is hosting a Halloween Party with an arts and crafts workshop in Chelsea Manor Street. There are four workshops, two for children aged 18 months to 2 years at 9.30 and 11.30, and two for children aged 18 months to 6 years at 2 and 4 on Thursday 31 October. Book tickets for £30 per child by phone or email.

At Battersea Park Children’s Zoo there’s a Halloween Fun Day on Thursday 31 October, starting at 11. Children can listen to scary stories at 12 and 2, make their own trick or treat bag in drop-in sessions and there will be face painting.

London Zoo is celebrating Halloween until 3 November with a spooky schedule. Special events at the zoo include bat mask making and spooky stories for under 5s.

Children’s gift shop Marmalade 250 in Battersea is hosting a Halloween party on Thursday 31 October from 2. There will be face painting and spooky treats in the cute shop.

Selfridges had a Halloween party on Saturday, but there are still a range of special events for kids on this week. On Thursday 31 October, the Haloween photo shoot sounds interesting – but I’m even more tempted by the real life Barbie visiting the toy shop on Friday 1 November.

Happy Halloween!

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