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Growing up no image

Published on February 20th, 2014 | 791 Views


Why we keep losing things in winter

Ecco Mimic Gore-Tex BootsLast Wednesday, I had promised myself to allocate time for a few overdue phone calls. No friends or grandmothers this time – only lost and found lines. I (read: Baby Girl) had managed to lose a number of our belongings in various places over the last weeks, and I keep meaning to call but always forget.

This time I had a theatre to call, a clothing company where we’d been to a sample sale and a family club. In one place, we’d actually managed to lose her boots – she simply came home without them.

But the main issue has been that it’s winter, and hats and scarves are impossible to keep track of. Even before Baby Girl was born I lost three hats in a year, so the fact that Baby Girl had only lost one hat and one scarf in a month was probably quite a good achievement.

It’s not easy to find these little accessories though. It turns out it’s actually much better to lose boots. We got her boots back the next day, but we’ll be buying a new hat and scarf – again.

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