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Published on September 29th, 2012 | 761 Views


Working on a sleep routine

Our maternity consultant Hattie has told me to stay one step ahead of Baby Girl. But somehow I typically end up three steps behind.

On Wednesday, I tried really hard, and I was actually on track in the morning. I took a fully-fed Baby Girl to the monthly New Baby Company meet-up at Cupcake Mum, which we get to go to since we attended the New Baby Company antenatal course.

Baby Girl didn’t exactly make any friends at the get-together, but she was fast asleep in her pram, adhering to her new routine.

The problem was when we were going back. I was the one who didn’t adhere to the routine. We were a few minutes behind schedule, and she started fretting just before we left Cupcake Mum.

I ran to the car in the rain with the pram in one hand and an umbrella in the other. With my new buggy-folding skills, I threw everything in the car at top speed, strapped Baby Girl into her car seat and pulled out a dummy from my bag.

The dummy took us a few metres up the road, but the sucking sounds were soon replaced by crying. She was clearly not happy with the road work that slowed down the traffic in the area.

I wasn’t too happy with it either. The ‘music’ I had to listen to on the way home made it very obvious that I was nowhere near being one step ahead of Baby Girl.

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