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♡ London Toddler sports running London

Published on May 11th, 2015 | 661 Views


Why it’s worth taking young children to a London sports class

‘Mummy, I did it!’

Baby Girl was suddenly super happy. She had been roaming around for the first part of the session, which I had found a bit frustrating to watch, but 25 minutes into the sports class she joined in and clearly felt a sense of achievement.

Every time she threw a ball into a bucket she ran over to me on the side to let me know that she had been successful. As soon as she had found an exercise she managed, she seemed so thrilled with herself.

Next time I plan to sit a bit further away to see if she’s less distracted then, but even if she keeps running over to share the news about what she can or can’t do (“Tennis is a bit hard”) I’m really excited about introducing Baby Girl to sports.

Both Daddy T and I are certified sports instructors – Daddy T for tennis and I for skiing – so we’ve both completed courses in including play in sports training, and it’s rewarding to see how children as young as 2.5 years can gain confidence and learn new skills through fun sports sessions.

Even if it’s frustrating to watch at times if a toddler is not in the right mood or running off in the wrong direction, I think it’s worth sticking it out.

You can do it, Baby Girl!

For a variety of children’s sports classes in London, many of which run classes outdoors over the summer term, check out Little Foxes Club (football, tennis and rugby), Teddy Tennis (tennis), Little Kickers (football), Playball (multi-sports) and Sporty Minis (sports development).

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